Many of the authors, contributors and supporters of this research were themselves working in the midst of various challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Country teams had to adapt their surveys and ways of working in order to follow sanitary measures and restrictions. The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) would like to thank the National Societies, volunteers, host communities, migrants, refugees and indigenous groups that offered their time and effort to make this research a success.

  • This consolidated report was coordinated and authored by Okular-Analytics based on country level research from nine National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (RCRC).
  • This regional research was designed, led and coordinated by Rachel Yales and Mónica Posada (IFRC, Geneva) with the invaluable support from Caroline Austin.
  • Special thanks to Diana Medina and Carla Guananga (IFRC, Americas Regional Office) for all the regional coordination and technical support.
  • Power BI Dashboard: Special thanks to Fernando Suarez Jimenez and Heleen Elenbaas from 510 for their invaluable support in processing the data and designing the survey dashboard.

Main contributors and national research teams:

  • Argentina: Argentina Red Cross Humanitarian Observatory and Argentina Red Cross volunteers
  • Bolivia: Country report written by the Bolivian Red Cross.
  • Brazil: Country report written by Luana Galdino and Rozana Ribeiro from the Brazilian Red Cross, with contributions from Observatorio Humanitario.
  • Colombia: Colombia Red Cross
  • Guatemala: Guatemalan Red Cross volunteers
  • Jamaica: The Jamaica Red Cross Volunteers with a special mention to Theo Gordon, Karl Wiggan and Shanrick Thomas without whom the survey would have not been a success.
  • Nicaragua: Country report written by the Nicaraguan Red Cross.
  • Panama: Panama Red Cross Volunteers
  • Trinidad and Tobago: TTRC Volunteers and TTRC staff Rayanthony Warner, Carysse Baird , Julio Pereira. With special thanks to Dr. Asha Kambon who provided invaluable guidance throughout the process.
Storymap design and development: Matthew Lukin Smawfield from Data Friendly Space

Report layout and design: Hadley Kincade, Minna Sell and René Berzia


Reports, articles and press releases:

DW. 2021, Hope for Carnival comeback amid Brazil's COVID-19 success. Online, 3p. Hope for Carnival comeback amid Brazil's COVID-19 success | Latin America | DW | 29.11.2021

IFRC. 2021, Drowning just below the surface: The socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Switzerland, 56p. 

IFRC. 2021, Locked down and left out? Why access to basic services for migrants is critical to our COVID-19 response and recovery. Melbourne, 50p. EN-RCRC-Global-Migration-Lab-Locked-down-left-out-COVID19.pdf (

IFRC. 2021, Sight Unseen: A vision for effective access to COVID-19 vaccines for migrants. Melbourne, 24p. RCRC-GML-Sight-Unseen-COVID19-Vaccines-FINAL.pdf (

Moore D. and all. 2021, Low COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Vaccine, 7p. 

OECD. 2018, Brazil Policy Brief. Public governance. Online, 2p. Brazil-Building-public-trust-en.pdf (

OECD. 2020, Covid-19 en América Latina y el Caribe: Panorama de las respuestas de los gobiernos a la crisis. Online, 34p. COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe: Panorama de las respuestas de los gobiernos a la crisis - OECD (

OXFAM. 2020, Oxfam llama a los gobiernos de América Latina a actuar para evitar la profundización de la desigualdad ante la crisis por COVID-19. Online, 1p. Oxfam llama a los gobiernos de América Latina a actuar para evitar la profundización de la desigualdad ante la crisis por COVID-19 | Oxfam International

PAHO. 2021, COVID-19 Situation Report n65. Washington DC, 16p. COVID-19SitRep65_eng.pdf (

R4V. 2020, Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela 2020. 54p. 

R4V. 2021, SITREP October 2021 - Southern Cone. Online, 1p. 

UNHCR. 2021, Trinidad and Tobago Factsheet, October 2021. Online, 2p. 

National reports from Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies:

Argentine Red Cross. El impacto de COVID-19 en las poblaciones vulnerables de migrantes - Estudio de percepción en Argentina.

Bolivian Red Cross. El impacto de COVID-19 en poblaciones vulnerables - Estudio de percepción de América, 29 October 2021. 16p.

Brazilian Red Cross. O impacto do COVID-19 sobre populações vulneráveis: pessoas baixa renda, migrantes e idosos - Estudo de percepção do Brasil, 21 September 2021. 15p.

Colombian Red Cross. Consultoría para la realización de estudio de percepción que explorará los conocimientos, percepciones y prácticas de las comunidades, relacionados con la COVID-19 en Colombia, 6 August 2021. 51p.

Guatemalteca Red Cross. El impacto de COVID-19 en las poblaciones vulnerables de migrantes e indígenas - Estudio de percepción de América (Guatemala), 1 October 2021. 12p.

Nicaraguan Red Cross. Medidas de prevención y vacuna contra la COVID-19 - Estudio de percepción de Nicaragua, 8 September 2021. 16p.

Panamanian Red Cross. Encuestas de percepción sobre la aceptación de la vacuna COVID-19 en las comunidades originarias y urbanas, 17 October 2021. 10p.

Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross, COVID-19 Pandemic KPA Study, 7 December 2021. 28p.

Websites and dashboards:

CEPAL. Observatorio COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe: acciones por país, visited on the 14 July 2021. COVID-19 | Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (

IOM. Migration Data Portal, visited on the 14 July 2021. Migration Data Portal

PAHO. COVID-19 Vaccination in the Americas, visited on the 14 July 2021. 

UNDP. COVID-19 Pandemic Response Dataset, visited on the 14 July 2021. COVID-19 pandemic (

WHO. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard, visited on the 14 July 2021. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard | WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard With Vaccination Data

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact:
  • Diana Medina (Diana.Medina[@] or Carla Guananga (Carla.Guananga[@] in IFRC Americas Region
  • Mónica Posada (Monica.Posada[@] or Rachel Yales (Rachel.Yales[@] in IFRC Geneva

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© International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva, 2022