
Youth in Africa Celebrating World Red Cross Red Crescent Day 2019
Dear Friends please follow the link to view all the pictures shared by about 26 NS through this platform during commemorations for the World Red Cross day. We appreciate this and know that some NS are continuing this week and in the next few weeks Chechen we still expect more reports, pictures and videos. You also have an option to open these on the following two links which we encourage you to join:Africa Youth Network and Global Volunteers Red Cross Red Crescent.

IFRC Strategy 2030: Africa Youth Leaders Add your voice NOW
Read, reflect, consult within your NS or share your thoughts directly
Strategy 2030: A platform for change, TRANSFORMATION 4
Mirror, Mirror on thr wall part 1. If there is any interesting aspect for the Africa Youth to add their voice as a Youth Network, feel free to bring it to the fore for comments right here on this platform , lets get engaged.

Upcoming Events

The May 2019 newsflash (IFRC Newsletter consolidated by Joyce in Geneva) is under preparation and I would be grateful if you could send your Reports by Thursday 23rd May in order to meet the Geneva deadline on Friday 24th of May 2019 latest.
Please consider that your stories are:

“New” content and not reporting from previous events, unless the event has a new relevance for future activities or follow up. Stories about innovative and outstanding initiatives within National Societies carried out by volunteers and members of all generations.
Thank you and looking forward to receiving your contributions. ernest.maruza@ifrc.org

Youth Indicators & Volunteer Management

1. Click on the country Name or Map and get an overview of the National Societies Responses.
2. Click on any indicator specifying YES/NO and you get the number of NS corresponding with identified indicator.
3. In all cases the tally and Name(s) OF National Societies reflect in the top right corner

Role of the Youth Commission

Statutory functions
According to the Constitution, the functions of the Commission are to (Art. 31.2)

1. Advise on all matters concerning youth and youth-related activities throughout the International Federation
2. Promote and assess the implementation of the youth strategy or policy decided by the Board or the GA, as well as to consider and study as requested by the GB matters of policy development in the area of youth
3. Review and suggest revisions of the youth strategy or policy to the Board or the GA (as the case may be) for adoption
4. Seek youth opinions on the implementation of relevant International Federation policies and to ensure that those opinions are communicated to the Statutory Bodies (GA, the Board, President, Secretary General, and the Committees and Commissions) of the Movement
5. Advise the Secretary General in the implementation of the youth policy and all other policies and strategies as they relate to youth within the Movement
6. Bring allegations of Breaches of Integrity to the Compliance and Mediation Committee in consultation with the President.

Advisory role
As an advisory body of the Board its role is centred around youth and youth-related matters and activities, including any policies and strategies that relate to youth in the Movement (Art 31.2). The Commission’s Work Plans, built on consultations with its youth constituency, Board, and Secretariat may be submitted to the Board for endorsement.

Revisions and suggestions regarding policy and strategy
The Commission drives the revisions of the Youth Policy and setting the high-level strategic priorities for youth engagement and youth related activities, including the Youth Engagement Strategy (Y.E.S).

Promoting the youth strategy and policy
Promotion consists primarily of dissemination of information on the Y.E.S and the Youth Policy to advance their implementation in NS and other parts of the Movement but includes other activities such as facilitation of related events and trainings.

Represent and seek youth opinions
The representation role can be summarized as “bringing the voices of young people to the discussion tables”. While it may take the form of advocacy (speaking on behalf) for a cause, it is generally manifested in all activities of the Commission and especially its advisory role. However, its legitimacy depends on the ability to seek and convey youth opinions – which requires open communication channels to Regional Youth Networks and NS, both directly and via the Regional Offices and their Country Clusters, as well as the Secretariat in Geneva.

Composition, election and transition
The composition of the Commission is a Chair and eight members (two from each of the four Statutory Regions), who are elected in a personal capacity by the GA on presentation of candidates by the Election Committee for a term of four years (Art. 31.1). Elections for the Commission take place every four years by secret ballot at ordinary sessions of the GA that do not coincide with the Board’s elections, normally on the first day of the GA following the appointment of the other constitutional Commissions and Committees (Art. 34.1; Rule 30A.1). The vote is exercised by a youth delegate nominated by the NS either in person or remotely (Rule 30A.2-4).

Youth and Volunteer Resources